Use "convinced that he is right|convinced that he be right" in a sentence

1. He is convinced that the private sector is interested.

2. It convinced the Acorn engineers that they were on the right track.

3. 7 He is convinced that the private sector is interested.

4. He convinced me that I should study law.

5. He Convinced me that the story was true

6. If so, is he now convinced that he should break free from it?

7. He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best.

8. I was convinced that he was brighter than average.

9. He convinced us that he would carry through with/on his promise.

10. He convinced reluctant Nikita Khrushchev that military intervention was necessary.

11. He's convinced though they are heading the right way.

12. I'm convinced he only does that charity work so that he can feel virtuous.

13. He was convinced that I was part of the problem.

14. They are fully convinced that it is right to comply with God’s law commanding abstention from blood.

15. Even so, he himself needs to be convinced.

16. The one persuaded is “so convinced that [he] puts confidence in someth[ing].”

17. He was convinced that economic reform was the only way forward.

18. Sadly, the adulation he received began to warp his judgment, and he became convinced that he should be Brother Russell’s successor.

19. She was convinced he was shrinking.

20. Convinced [not before noun] completely sure that something is true or right, especially because the evidence seems to prove it or somebody else has persuaded you to believe it: I’m Convinced that she’s innocent

21. Unschuld überzeugt: I'm Convinced that Ich bin überzeugt, dass to be Convinced of sth

22. He seemed convinced that the US would prosecute the war to its end.

23. No one was convinced by his insistence that he was not to blame.

24. But now, more than ever, he was convinced that his theory was correct.

25. He himself was convinced that Clyde had murdered the girl in cold blood.

26. Sam nodded but he didn't look convinced.

27. 3 He was convinced of her innocence.

28. I am convinced that she is innocent.

29. As verbs the difference between Convinced and satisfied is that Convinced is (convince) while satisfied is (satisfy).

30. Sonnenfeld ultimately convinced all involved that he had a strong vision for the film.

31. The knowledge of his own ingratitude convinced him that he was wicked and worthless.

32. He was convinced that America so weakened would dishearten allies who depended on us.

33. He firmly believed that he was right.

34. " Nothing would have convinced my Aunt Agatha that I hadn't lured that blighter into riotous living. " " I fancy you are right, sir. "

35. Yet in his exacting, almost pedantic manner, he was convinced that it would happen.

36. We've become convinced that our Presidents had been absolutely right when they instructed us to resume work in this format.

37. He thus became convinced that the Bible was also the product of a superior mind.

38. As the King got older, he became convinced that his family were scheming against him.

39. I was always convinced that the Paralympics would be huge.

40. As the weeks went by and the sicker he became, the more I became convinced that he was dying.

41. Sometimes, too, he was tormented by jealousy. Without proof, he had convinced himself that there was some one else.

42. I was convinced he was out to cheat me.

43. He convinced us of his fitness for the task.

44. She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .

45. Dooley, he was convinced, was extraordinarily good for something.

46. Industry is convinced that these claims on labels can be used in advertising.

47. When Harry had kissed Cora-Beth goodbye in Kentucky a week ago, he had been convinced that he loved her.

48. The infuriating thing is that he is always right.

49. The pulling down of the right sheath, the ripping sound always convinced her it hurt.

50. She became convinced that something was wrong.

51. Nor was he convinced that Jehovah’s witnesses had committed any acts in violation of the law.

52. However, Gordon began studying the Bible and was soon convinced that he had found the truth.

53. This morning, he notified judges that he was waiving his right to be present.

54. Indeed, they were convinced that he would hold to this routine even if a law forbade it.

55. He was convinced decades ago that psychopaths were the coming thing and soon would pass for normal.

56. He is personally convinced there’s a relationship with the increased ultraviolet radiation.

57. Iturbide's supporters further convinced the viceroy that he was needed to vanquish the last remaining rebel leader.

58. Finally convinced by the Baron that his treatment has been cruel, savage and pitiless he begs forgiveness.

59. But he clammed up right after that.

60. He obstinately asserted that he had done the right thing.

61. All the similarities, the volcanic eruption, many people be convinced that Thera is Atlantis.

62. First, you need to be Convinced that Jehovah God is the Creator of all things

63. He said, I am Convinced beyond reasonable doubt that I have found the formula for mainstream staying power.

64. Yes, and he was in the choir, is that right?

65. 4 I incline to the view that he is right.

66. You are convinced, of course, that [it] is unlawful for them.”

67. If he were convinced executed for this alleged crime it would be a travesty on justice.

68. Some still aren't Convinced that the Covid-19 vaccine is safe

69. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.

70. That burst finally convinced somebody in airfield defence.

71. He learned to speak English during this time and became convinced that immersion is the best way to learn a language.

72. The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.

73. What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.

74. 11 Martin stoutly maintained that he was right.

75. He looked a right charlie in that hat!

76. The parents Convinced the child that Santa was real

77. 4 The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.

78. Ill and weary, the king became delirious, convinced that he was surrounded by traitors loyal only to his son.

79. I'm convinced.

80. Now he desires, as is but right, that my dowry should be returned with me.